Recently the heat in our shower broke or something happened to it that it won't let us take any more hot baths but now it's extremely cold and it's been like that for two weeks it would be an understatement to say that we are miserable. Every time one of my family members go into the shower it's sounds like a murderer is stabbing them to death a horrible death do die if you ask me, but back to the point it's so freezing that my mom hasn't washed her hair in three days. After one week I kind of got use to it kind of, but the first five minutes is still excruciating because of the icy water that dripping down my body making me shiver and wish for warmth to come over me but warmth is a luxury something that I don't have something that I will never have. I know that last sentence was pretty darn poetic well at least the end of it yeah cause I'm just cool like that. I'm seriously afraid to go because of how cold it is I'm afraid that I might get frost bite from taking a shower yeah it's that cold

Why do I have to take a shower anyway I mean back then they only took showers when they were really, really, really, really dirty and well since I don't really do anything then I don't have to right? Well my mom says different so that's sad. I actually have to build up my courage to take a bath and it's kind of like this.
I finally decide that I should go and then I jump out of the spray because of the icy horribleness that hits me true story. Thought the other day my mom washed our towels so I got a hot towel afterwards and it was a win for me (yeah I have very small victories if you ask me but no matter).
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