This is at least what I thought happened when you cried in Elementary school. Yeah it turns out it wasn't that scary when you cried if you did it for the right reasons like tripping and landing on your knee. But that's not what happened. I was scarred for life after this (okay that's a little melodramatic, but it did change my nose, so there you happy?) I was just playing four square with my "friend".
Why are you using quotation marks on the word friend Natalie? Well it's because when I say the word friend I usually mean acquaintance, but I guess I'm going to say friend because it makes me look like I actually had some in Elementary. Okay I had one, but still it's pretty pathetic. Okay so this "friend" was named Cindy and she was in the second square (even though she royally stunk at the game) and I was in three. The ball came to us by this kid name Jackson and it landed right on the line of our squares though we didn't see that before and we thought that is was in our own squares and this is how it ended up.
Right to my nose. Yeah and I fell on the ground cause numero uno it freaking hurt. I mean it felt like that girl's head was made of steal. The second reason is because I saw my nose dripping and I hate blood so I dropped. Third was because I just felt like a piece of crap. Yeah so that happened. And the kid Jackson was trying to figure out who to kick out when my nose was freaking bleeding. He was a little special to say the least (he was one of those kids who asked teachers if "in there time" they had toilets.)
So I was bleeding and Jackson was trying to figure things out about the four square situation and there was Cindy who started arguing that it was her ball, and I was pretty darn close to screaming "what the freak people I'm bleeding and all you can do is think about the stupid game". But I didn't I just sat there in pain and in shock. Finally when I got over what was happening I started crying and I got taken to the nurse (who earlier in the year said that I was delusional) who told me the obvious. "Your nose is bleeding go get some ice." That's seriously what she said to me.
Well no freaking way lady I just thought that my boogers had turned into fruit punch, and was streaming down my face.
Yeah so that happened. And she never even gave me some candy that witch.
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