So here it goes. One summer we were just driving to our neighborhood pool (even though it was around the corner, but hey we're lazy) when we saw something in the middle of the street, so my mom stopped and we all had to pile out to find out what it was. Well it was a little white baby in the middle of the street holding a butcher's knife and it was really weird. Well a couple minutes later we found the alleged mom who had left the baby in the middle of the street with a freaking knife and she didn't speak English (at least she said she didn't) and our family doesn't speak no Mexican, so that was the last time we saw them. Again really weird, but I must say not as weird as this.
Dang that's creepy. Anyway another summer time it was freaking hot like it usually is in Texas, so we decided to go to the pool which is what all Texans do to cool off, so I got on my swim suit and was ready to go. We went outside where a bee saw my beautiful yellow bathing suit and decided that my tush was a perfect target to sting me (though I couldn't blame that bee my butt is the biggest part of me which is why my mom said that I'll probably marry a black man).
Back to the main point though. I got a big red bump on my butt and couldn't go swimming and had to stand up all the time because it hurt so much to sit on my sugar lump. Just kidding my lumpy bumpy, but all in all it was a crappy experience. Something good about my summer though was our neighbor let's just call him Mr. Larry.
He was a really nice guy who always gave us treats that his daughter and his wife made and they were really good seriously amazing and his daughter went off to be a baker so that was cool. Him being there for the summer was a plus same with this kid that we'll call Anthony. Anyway Anthony went to the same class as my little brother and got assigned to be in the same seat. The boy ended up kicking my brother in the crouch on the first day.
Yeah really a bonding experience because my brother became really good friends with this boy. The boy would come over all summer and play four square with us and he really wasn't a bad kid all though he did look like lolly poop deck. If you don't know who that (it's on flapjack my favorite cartoon network show) is I will gladly post a picture.
Yup not the most beautiful face, but he was nice so that made up for it. Yeah and every time he came my dad would ask him if he was the kid who kicked his son in the nuts. It was actually really funny you just had to be there to look at the look of shame on that boy's face and you would really crack up. Wow I'm a horrible person.
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