You're welcome (if you don't know I'm very sarcastic, so don't take any of the last sentences seriously thank you have a nice day). Anyway so every time I go to camp there's this torturous thing that happens it's called a skit. Now I know what you're thinking skits are totally awesome you can show off you're personality in you're acting but I'm talking about the kind of skit that they put certain girls in the front and all of the rest of the girls can stand in the corner. Yeah and guess who's always in the back corner freaking pissed off. Yup you got that right my best friend.
Just kidding.
But my friend and I always stand in the back mad because I've been there two years and every year I always get placed in the back with no speaking parts and oh what's that I am allowed to sing. They allow to sing oh how generous well I freaking hate singing so I'll just be back here lip singing and getting told how great my voice is. Yeah that actually happened before and well it was kind of awkward especially when I had to hold in my laughter.
So anyway some of the girls my age and my sisters always gets lead rolls and there I am always in the back. And the leaders say we all get a turn to be the center of attention while all of the other girls my age already are well that's nice. I'm a pretty decent actor and they can't just let me say one word they have to just put me in back and make me do the thing that I despise with a passion. I just want to do this:
But of course I can't for two reasons actually. One being that I act like everything is fine and dandy and that I'm nice in public so I can't do that and two I'm not a boy. I know guys I know that you thought I was but I'm not surprised I think so.
Yeah so there's that. But I like to think that I'm way better than I Carly's friend just saying.
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