You're right Doctor Who but get a shirt on dude you might poke someone's eye out. Refrence from Sinbad cause I'm so cool.
Anyway back to the point one summer I was using the bathroom and I locked the door like I usually do because hey I like people coming in and watching me crap more than the next guy, but I don't want my family to see me piss so I keep it locked yo like a freaking gangster.
But anyway I lock it and go inside and when I'm done I wash my hands (happy birthday three times kids take notes) and I go and open the door and it won't budge. It's safe to say that it was about an hour before anyone actually did something because they were probably rolling on the floor mocking my misfortune.
After my dad started taking apart the door handle and well he never relapsed it which meant we had a giant hole in our door which meant people could see you crapping and well it wasn't the best, but when my sister put and air freshener can in the door we all agreed that it was a good idea. Then we could spray without having to be in that stinky bathroom and for a while it was pretty awesome (with the exception of it always falling out when you were using the bathroom).
But when the missionaries decided that it was a great idea to start coming to our house every freaking day like a pit stop things started to become well very crappy. One of the missionaries that came was very rude and then he asked us if he could use our bathroom. Well we lead him to the crap hole that was our bathroom completed with a picture of my sister on the toilet pointing to the world map we had as a shower curtain (don't worry she was had pants on.)
Anyway he went in and it was safe to say that he was really stinking it up in there and he took heck of a long time which gave my family and idea and when my family has an idea it's usually to harrass people and well that's exactly what we did to the poor unsuspecting missionary. When he was still using the restroom we took the air freshener can and started spraying saying how stinky it was and after he came out of the bathroom we all held our noses and said "what were you doing in there.
Yeah they never really came back to our house after that and we moved, so now we don't have to have and air freshener can in our door so that's good. But when that missionary left his face was saying that we were crazy and hey we gave him a good story to take back home so you're welcome.
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