There's some pictures of me that my sister has been recently flipping through and making fun of, but their was something that really stuck out to me. I was actually brown. Now you might say that I'm still brown but now my skin is pretty darn white and it's probably because I always go outside. Just kidding I used to be like a graham cracker but know I'm more of the burned saltines type of color. I look like a freaking half Mexican vampire now so that's great. But while we're on the topic of color my dad is actually brown and from Mexico so I guess you can call him a Mexican (yeah but my dad's still racist against Mexicans just saying).

Anyways so there's a new family in my church and we were introducing ourselves to them when the man of the family asked my dad where he worked. My dad said the company and the man asked him if he worked in the fields. Back story my dad works at a gas company. My dad said no and the man asked him were he worked before and he said Caterpillar and the man again asked him if he worked in the fields. My dad is an accountant.

Racist I think so.
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