Yup so there's that but anyway dodge ball is suppose to be fun and then afterwards we have "missionary moments" and the non members get to learn about our church. All in all I think that it's a great idea to get boys to bring there friends but for girls not so much. The girls go off to the side and watch all of the boys play (missionaries included those hussies). Anyway so I brought a friend and well it resulted in her getting smacked in the face by one of the missionaries and never wanting to come back.
But that's not the point of this post it's that dodge ball just happened to be today and well I was pegged by a bunch of (very attractive) boys while they laughed at how uncoordinated I was. Yeah and I was yet again reminded how douchey boys and most people are.
I was alone most of the time and because there was such a long line of people wanting to get back into the game I escaped onto one of the chairs outside of the gym and proceeded with talking to my one and only friend. Okay it wasn't seery who said that?
Then I looked like one of those girls that were too prissy to play and just sat around texting. I must say that this time I went willingly and didn't have to fight with anyone about going to the dodge ball activity, but going reminded me that one I have no friends and two how anti social I am and three that I am so uncoordinated that even boys make fun of me. I know I never forgot but I thought that maybe it would be different but it wasn't.
I have accepted my fate of dying alone but I do want to be buried in Hawaii and having a nacho bar for after my funeral oh and also being buried in my coffin neck deep in churros. And my dying wish will be to bring a llama named Steve (no other name just Steve) to help drag me to my final resting place.
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