I know but I am a little bit hipster right?
Yeah okay Jacob you are way to mainstream for me ugh. Just kidding but about two weeks ago there was this concert that I went to that was The Neighbourhood and Atlas Genius two very great groups.
Now I've seen Atlas Genius before and they're really down to earth guys very awesome and they stayed afterwards to take pictures and sign autographs and they're pretty famous now but they still do it and I respect them so there's that. None of the concerts except for this one had any cussing the groups were all pretty clean the only incident before with Active Child.
That guy was a jerk just saying but anyway back to the point. I really enjoy The Neighbourhood's music but every time he started to talk he just had to keep on cussing and I think that's really unprofessional I mean we're at a alternative rock concert and there he is dropping F-bombs every second I mean seriously. And they didn't stay afterwards for there fans I thought that was weird but all in all the lead singer seemed like a douche bag so yeah.
But Atlas Genius was still great so I didn't let it spoil my mood to much. All the concerts before was Wolf Gang I seriously love them they stayed afterwards and he hugged me yup and he's quite attractive, but I was pushed out of the way for the second time in the same night for my sister to take my place. Thanks Lauren. Yeah he stood on his tippy toes because most of us were taller than him so there's that. But what I'm saying is you don't have to be a complete jerk when you're pretty famous nobody likes a douche so don't be one thank you.
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