But something that was not exciting in any way was the person who went next she I guess decided to "wing it" a bad decision on her part if you ask me. Anyway it was a mess she even started saying some offensive stuff that made the whole meeting awkward and just made everyone uncomfortable. Sure it was pretty funny to be up on the stage watching the whole congregation fall asleep although I think it's because how early our church is but I fully blame her for them fall asleep. I made some people laugh and they weren't fully asleep when I talked but when she started talking this was the result.
And for the people actually awake for this talk all of their faces were in disbelief seriously they looked shocked at what the lady was saying.
Yeah so that was sad but anyway I have an experience that I had with winging it and well it was worst than that lady way worst and I'm saying I should get a reward for having the most failure from winging it because your stories with winging it might be bad but this will top all of yours so get some popcorn and relax as I tell you this wretched tale.
A couple years ago I went to an activity for my church that I had to say how service changed my life or that was kind of the topic so I decided that I wasn't going to prepare and instead watch my little pony and friends while I went through Pinterest.
I'm just kidding about the my little pony thing I hate that show and I don't why all my fourteen year old friends like it just saying but back to the point I didn't write anything down and so I was destined for doom.
When I got to the activity I just started joking with everyone that I would just say a amen and be over with it but in my head that's really as far I went and well it turned out that all the parents were going to be there and I was third on the list. When I went up there I started telling them about how we went to a nursing home and gave them like those ornament type pumpkin things and muffins.
Well instead of telling them that I said that we painted wood pumpkins and that I was so grateful for old people yeah and I said that over and over and well I looked like a fool a complete and utter fool in front of everyone. And when I was talking you don't even know how many people cringed and started to look away from the awkwardness that was unfolding.
I'm going to die alone.
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