Thursday, April 4, 2013

Read It Or Else...

I have recently read a lot of really great books I'll put the list if you must know what they are...
All of these have second books that either aren't out or it's not in the library which makes me really upset because all of them are so awesome I mean look at the covers all of them are so glorious.
Oops. Yeah I haven't really been writing because I've obviously been on awesome overload. I have also been on Goodreads if you don't know what that website is I would strongly recommend it to you seriously it's the holy grail of books and I might or might not be addicted to it you can add me as a friend too if you must of course. Anyway all of these books are paranormal that made me flabbergasted at the end of the books and I'm not usually surprised but all of them left me doing this..
And this..
And even a little bit of this..
Yup they were all that good. So read them or else..

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