Okay she's not that disgustingly despicable I mean at the very least she's nice but her bad habits drive everyone to distraction. I went to camp with this girl and lets just say her name is Bertha or Helga whatever floats your boat anyway Helga/Bertha always ask me to go to the bathroom with her (because they wanted bathroom buddies at the camp) and well there's not any way to say no without being mean so every time I accepted and every time she would get out of the bathroom without washing her hands.
And every single time I would tell her that she forgot to wash her hands and then she would tell me thank you as if she didn't mean to get out of the bathroom with out doing it. Now this wouldn't be all that gross I mean I've seen people do it before but it's just were this girl's hands have been. Get ready for the ultimate repulsiveness of Helga/Bertha she scratches her privates and not the ones above the one below and she does it a lot.
Let's just all take a second to think about this horrifying act.
I don't know if she doesn't wipe well or not but she constantly does it and it's so disgusting because it seems like she doesn't even care who sees her she's completely and utterly shameless in doing these acts of nastiness.
Okay now time for another story about Helga/Bertha it was Easter the other day therefore a day that all of the teachers at church gives us so much candy that we gorge ourselves until we're stuffed silly and just in time to because it's right before we go and lie in our piles of candy back at home. Helga/Bertha got a chocolate egg from her teacher the ones with chocolate in the inside and chocolate on the outside and she came to her next class with it and it's just my luck that I get stuck next to her.
Well when my church leaders are talking about Jesus and his death I am tuning out and I start watching in silent horror as this girl starts devouring the egg nasty whack style. First she starts nibbling on the top and then she dips her finger in the chocolate inside and she does this over and over until the egg is gone. Her fingers were completely covered in chocolate so she starts licking them and I can hear her smacking her lips and then she puts in a piece of gum in her mouth and I'm silently saying thank heavens in my mind and that's when she starts cracking her gum and chewing and I'm talking cow style.
The worst is yet to come people when she starts pulling it out of her mouth and then putting it back in and she starts stretching it and then she puts it back in her mouth again until finally she drops it on the floor and I'm thanking the heavens again when I see her lean over. Okay I suspected that she would do what any regular person would do and hold it but no she puts it in her mouth and she doesn't even blow on it and I can see hairs sticking out from it.
Well that's not all she does but alas I will save it for another day because it is dinner time and I don't mean to spoil your appetites even more so I'll just have to say good bye my fair ladies and gentlemen.
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