Yeah did that tonight.
What I also did was make shadow puppets. Okay you might think that's little kids stuff, but I found it really amusing either because I'm extremely tired and can't sleep or because I feel a little bit on the loopy side. But seriously you do not want to be around me when I become one those people that when the moon comes out they just turn into a bunch of crazies, but I can't help it my lack of sleep makes me bounce off the walls instead of the opposite.
It's strange really because when I've been really good about sleeping early and eating healthy crap I feel like I should be bed ridden forever. Seriously when I'm doing the right things (well what most people think is right for your body even though I think it's torture) I get lazier and I fall victim of staying in my bed more. Yeah but when I don't have any sleep and I'm still awake because of my body telling myself that I'm not tired I feel like I'm bursting with energy. That is until I read a really boring book and then I'm out. Though at the moment I just read a really great book with the craziest twist, so my tiny little human brain is like.
Mind Blown.
Yeah and when I tried to go to sleep after that I couldn't, so here I am blogging because I don't have anybody who's nerdy enough to be on Goodreads at one in the morning. I might be the geekiest girl in the world right now, but I'm not ashamed about how geeky I am so what now.
Haters gonna hate. So that happened. But seriously my mom is always like "Why don't you ever do stuff. Why are you so lazy? Why do you insist on living in your room?" Well mom the only answer to that is simple. Just make everyone stay awake at night, so I actually have friends because let's be honest regularly I act like I'm actually what do you people say, oh yes "normal".
But if people see me when I'm super funny and crazy (the thing that only happens at night) then I might have the things that regular people call "friends". I would be that one person that's really fun and weird, but is included to do everything because hey you aren't normal.
Psh I wish that would happen, but I kind of already accepted my fate like I said in my other posts for dying alone, and I'm not even kidding about being buried in churros (once a fatty patty always a fatty patty). Yeah but if you flipped the day around I would be one of those people. Now I'm going to go and celebrate my loneliness with some Biggest Loser (while eating ice cream) because it makes me feel better about myself. But before I forget whoever cares I have a new favorite "hipster song". Link right here if you want to watch it.
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