Despite the occasional yelling secession I have with my mom, I do take showers. I know surprising, right? Anyways today I was getting yelled at for not taking a shower, and then when I finally decided to go I was yelled at for being in the shower. I didn't take to kindly to it.
Yup I'm bringing Ryan Gosling into this!!
I like my showers and I don't like it when I'm scrubbing my armpits singing rubber ducky, and my sister comes in screaming at me that I've been in the shower for five minutes and have to get out. What I want to say to my family "And you wonder why I never take showers in your line of vision it's because you don't let me enjoy my showers you all are monsters not me".
Gotta get two movies that never stop making sequels so bam!!
Just Kidding (but not about the sequel thing). Anyway every time I go to the shower it's like every one in my family time me can I just take a shower without someone coming in saying "Natalie you've been in there for ten minutes", or "Natalie you've been in there for five minutes", or even "Natalie what's taking you so long you've been in there for two minutes?" Okay the last one isn't true because I don't think that anyone can take a shower that long but by them timing me I feel like I'm being rushed and I do not like to rush my showers.
Nun slap those fools cause Imma thug for real.
Hogwarts slap!! Though I don't want to slap Harry even though I must say he was a complete jerk in some of the last books. I do not have the power to slap anyone so no family member has been hurt in the making of this blog post. Though I do however have the power of speech so I have the right to say.
I love you Psych!! Anyway so now you know not to interrupt me when I take showers or I'm going to have to think of slapping you (oh the horrors) yup cause that's all I have the power to do yay. Now I have to actually take a nap, so I hope you enjoyed my midnight tangent.
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