When I'm inside nothing bad happens to me so do I like to stay inside, heck yeah. If I didn't have the safety of a house to hide in everyday I probably would be already dead by my own stupidity. I mean even in the most innocent places I get hurt!!
Last summer I slammed my own finger into the door and since I'm delayed reaction I stood there looking at what I had just done. Right in front of McDonald's (yay) we dropped off my older sister and my mom wanted me in the front seat, so I got out and I closed my own fingers in the door. Later that week I had to go to the emergency room where they took off my nail and put two stitches in my finger which the price came out to be 2,000 dollars for my parents who keep reminding me of my idiot mistake.
That's a heck of a lot of money and so they use me as an example to not be as stupid as me. What a joy I am I know. Also during the summer my sister peer pressured me to come outside and play with her badminton a game that I'm actually not that bad at so I accepted but that's when a cat came and my sister started to pet it and it seemed perfectly fine that if I were to pet it to so I leaned over and had at it.
That's when it bit me I screamed and pulled back but the cut was deep I mean a couple of inches more and it would've hit my vein. I had to go to the doctors and they said that I had to get rabies shots if I didn't find the same cat that bit me. Well I saw it walking in the streets a few days later and it wasn't dead, so the doctor said that if it wasn't already dead that I would live too. Yay I'm not dead hooray!! my life is so ridiculous makes myself mentally do this..
Again America isn't even in the same league as me in the stupid zone. I'm just going to go and stay in my bed all day and all night, so I won't have to relive any of these stupid disasters ever again. I always say...
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