Stalker mode activated. The worst part was that they weren't even trying to hide that they were watching us while we watched the movie. And it wasn't like the endearing stalking either they were just watching our lives as we lived it. I could have totally out creeped them with my skills I would've been all like..
Yeah exactly like that with my mustache and stuff, but my mom thought it was a better idea that we closed are windows. Darn my perfect opportunity to creep on strangers was ruined by better judgement. Though the boys came back and when I was playing Dance Central (the thing that I'm best at cause you know I'm shakin' my rump like a boss) they came back and was watching me as I played Goodies.
You might ask why I didn't close the windows immediately and that was because if I left I would have a horrible score and on that song I usually get two million and I didn't want to lower the score so of course I had to keep playing. Soon the boys started ding dong ditching our house while my older sister studied her homework. Now any normal human being would see the boys, but not Lauren can ignore you like a pro the result of all the people in my house she has to be to get anything done (and she's pretty oblivious so that helps too). Anyways so when the boys were staring at her doing her homework they kept ringing the doorbell at 10:00 at night and Lauren still didn't notice. Got to love her. So I made a resolve that the next time there trying to watch me do my daily activities I will likely go outside and beat them up like so..
Hide your kids, hide your wife, (or wives yup shout out for all you polygamists) and hide your husbands too cause there's an vengeful little girl in Houston, Texas. I'm goin' find you!!
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