When I say crafty I think of my mom who mod podged everything in our house last year well, at least that was her goal. Let's list some of the things that she did, shall we? Well what my sister actually did my mom just cut out all of the little pieces. The table was mod podged, pictures were mod podged, now our house is pretty much overflowed with many colorful papers that are stuck together with the magic of mod podge.
Yup she seriously went through a faze. Anyway back to the point about the lady who only tells herself She's Crafty. I was flipping through channels trying to find something at least kind of decent and that's when I found this show. What I thought.
So I proceeded to spending my Saturday splayed across the couch with decoration pillows (that my brother's friends fart on) all down my body because I was too lazy to get my blanket and I was cold.
This lady starts talking about bird houses and how to mod podge them and I got all excited and I started telling the screen "hey my mom mod podges" (and yes this is what I do on Saturdays instead of hanging out with people.)
So as this show goes on it turns out their going to make birdhouses well that's at least what they told me and then they started bringing out already made birdhouses (which is not making them lady) and they start taking out newspaper. But wait it gets worse they start putting the newspaper on the birdhouses, and after an hour of them putting newspaper on freaking birdhouses the whole project turned out looking like this.

Do you see this ugly piece of crap? This is the definition of crafty crap because this a toddler can do this. Heck I can do this and I think I'm in line for making worse crafts ever!!
The second crafty crap that she made was a table made out of skateboard wheels and glass are you for real lady? You might ask why I was still watching this and the reason is it was either having to change the channel with the remote that I put on our mod podge table which included ruining the stack of pillows on top of me or stay were I was and criticize this lady some more for her hideous crafts. I of course chose the second one of the two. I actually couldn't find the picture of the wretched thing, but it was bad.
Yup completely hideous what is wrong with this lady she is not crafty, so get off the air or actually do what your suppose to do. I'm a judgmental son of a butt okay I'm already aware.
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