Some might call me antisocial but School House Rock would be proud because after all they did teach me that everyone should have elbow room. Anyway some people don't respect other peoples personal space obviously, and truth be told I don't take too kindly to those kinds of people because well I think we all know those people and if you don't it might be yourself so check yourself before you wreck yourself. But the point is I don't want anyone, don't care who you are, to invade my personal space and I will tell you off like so..
Okay maybe not that harsh but I think it's reasonable to do unless you like a person all up in your business or if your the one that intrudes on other peoples space please stop.
I mean it's all awesome and dandy when you hug someone I mean I guess that isn't too bad or when you give someone a slight peck on the cheek even maybe one on the mouth if you're fast, but I'm talking about the people that show way to much affection for the other in public or maybe even just are way to close to the other person.
I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, but seriously stop!! Everyone wants you to you make them feel awkward so please for the love of humanity stop.
Don't be that clingy guy/girl that nobody wants to hang around, or date because lets be honest I think that everyone has the potential to be one of these people, and nobody wants a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend like that.
I don't really have any of these people in my life mostly because I don't like to be around most people, but the reason I'm talking about this is because of the kids that have make-out secession at the kitty playground behind my house.
I know pretty darn gross there's a lot of things that go on in that playground but this by far might be the worse I won't even tell you what the first one is but it's pretty nasty too. So these kids my age that are way to young (because I'm only fourteen) go to the park almost everyday with there dog and they make out on the kitty slide.
That playground is for little kids and there they are doing that it's really flabbergasts and disgusts me that kids my age would have the audacity to do such a things at a freaking little kids playground it's kind of depressing it makes my lack of love for the world lessen. What I feel like..

Yup so that's it but I must say I'm listening to Pandora and it's playing the worse playlists ever and I have just reached my limit of skips and when I listen to crap like Cold Play I just give up on it.

Pretty much the story of my life.
I mean it's all awesome and dandy when you hug someone I mean I guess that isn't too bad or when you give someone a slight peck on the cheek even maybe one on the mouth if you're fast, but I'm talking about the people that show way to much affection for the other in public or maybe even just are way to close to the other person.
I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, but seriously stop!! Everyone wants you to you make them feel awkward so please for the love of humanity stop.
Don't be that clingy guy/girl that nobody wants to hang around, or date because lets be honest I think that everyone has the potential to be one of these people, and nobody wants a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend like that.
I don't really have any of these people in my life mostly because I don't like to be around most people, but the reason I'm talking about this is because of the kids that have make-out secession at the kitty playground behind my house.
I know pretty darn gross there's a lot of things that go on in that playground but this by far might be the worse I won't even tell you what the first one is but it's pretty nasty too. So these kids my age that are way to young (because I'm only fourteen) go to the park almost everyday with there dog and they make out on the kitty slide.
That playground is for little kids and there they are doing that it's really flabbergasts and disgusts me that kids my age would have the audacity to do such a things at a freaking little kids playground it's kind of depressing it makes my lack of love for the world lessen. What I feel like..
Yup so that's it but I must say I'm listening to Pandora and it's playing the worse playlists ever and I have just reached my limit of skips and when I listen to crap like Cold Play I just give up on it.
Pretty much the story of my life.
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