Yup my first game that I ever played on it was this game.
This is my favorite game and although I'm really horrible at really doing anything that includes me on my feet it turns out that a secret talent of mine was dancing I mean who knew? I am like a boss seriously breaking it down Pee Wee Herman style.
Just kidding I actually was more into the kind of songs that you can't dance to in front of guests. Some of the songs included the following: Conceited, Turn me on, Lap dance and many more songs that might not be the best to be dancing to especially not in front of the many windows that let the neighbors see me.
If you haven't read the creepers next door this is what happened I was getting my sexy jerk down when boys outside were watching me on the playground outside my house. Yup creepy.
Anyway so the other day my friend from church talking and the conversation of church dances came up and my friend said "I can't wait to go to the dances and dance with all the hot boys of the church". This sentence made me crack up with laughter for more reasons than one. Well I guess I'll number them so 1.) they play the crappiest music at dances seriously they play Lean on Me (which you can't dance to), Hannah Montana (which is just a sin), Taylor Swift (which people scream "this is my song" and start awkwardly swaying to the music), and many more horrible tracks that make your ears bleed.
Okay so number 2.) is because there's barely any boys our age and all of the ones that are our age hot is not a word to describe them at all.
3.) Might be the worse my sister says that all of the girls stay in one corner and the boys stay in the other and the boys are too "shy" to come over and ask the girls to dance I mean come on boys seriously are you that stupid that you can't even ask a girl to dance.
4.) Is the girls who when the boys actually ask them to dance they say no in the rudest way ever I mean not even making excuses I mean if you're going to decline an invitation do it the right way. Yeah so when your old enough to go to church dances you're probably actually end up doing this.
And this..
Maybe even a little bit of this..
Dancing with myself cause I'm so awesome and stuff.
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