They're brutish hooligans that embarrass me daily though thankfully it's usually at home. So sit back and bring out your popcorn as I do something that is the number one rule in our family, and that is don't tell family secrets and I'm sure that you won't tell. Get ready to be flabbergasted by my family's awesomeness.
So the other day I walked into the room that I share with my sister hoping to get some reading time alone and she's on our kung fu mat. But not only is she on it but she's doing something really strange and unusual.... (oooh mysterious!)
She has ankle weights on and has on one of those work-out headbands and eye of the tiger is blasting on our radio as her feet stick up in the air kicking around, her arms were pumping in the air as if they were trying to be in sync but they couldn't get a hang of the motion.
As I looked at the horrible sight in front of me the song started to get to the main chorus, and she started singing like a dying cow at the top of her lungs (yeah all of my family has horrible singing "skills" but she takes the prize for being higher than all of us on the scale of wretched singing) as she kept doing whatever it was that she was doing. Then things took the toll for the worse as she stood up and started to do something that I could only guess was her attempt at dancing. All and all she looked like a roach.
Wait wrong roach well no matter.
Now that you know about my sister I have to tell you that her dancing is something of a sight and not exactly the good kind. So I can do the worm, because I'm so awesome like that, and my sister (the same sister from the other incident) decided that she wanted some attention too so she proceeded to lay down and start doing something that included a lot of flopping about.
She was not doing the worm actually she wasn't doing anything close to the worm she was just kind of slamming her belly on the wood floor. It looked painful, but my sister did it nonetheless and afterwards I called it the floppy fish.
She took offense to the name, so I told her that next time that she has the urge to do anything close to the worm to just lay on the ground. Of course she didn't get it so I told her that it was called the dead worm and that it would be better than the jerking motions that she previously did. Yeah it's better if she lets the worm to only be preformed by professionals like me of course.
Don't be hatin' on my mad skills for real cause baby I was born this way. I know all of you want a sister like mine so know you can have one for only 99$ it's a pretty penny, but you won't be disappointed for your purchase and if you order know it comes with a free brother too!! So ORDER NOW, NOW, NOW!!!