Tuesday, May 21, 2013

"Sleeping Around"

 If you see this title you might think of what it actually means, and well I'll just say that I don't because I'm a little girl and shouldn't know about that kind of stuff. But what it really means is the many places my family decides to sleep. My dad might be the ultimate sleeper though sometimes he snores and that ruins the affect, but when he's in the middle of church he closes his eyes and starts to drift off. Though every time he does this his head usually bobs up and down, so it looks like he's agreeing to what the person  teaching the lesson is saying. Yup genius. Though when I sleep anywhere my sister's make sure to take a picture and then show it to my grandparents.

 Okay my little sister (the one who scares the crap out of me when she talks in her sleep) use to sleep in our laundry baskets. She would just lay down and doze off like sleeping in the basket was more comfortable than her bed. Yeah lets just say that is was a rude awakening when my mom picked it up to go and do laundry and because my sister was under all of the blankets my mom didn't know why it was extra heavy only to put it down and see my little sister curled up and having Chinese eyes. Yeah so that happened. Third on this list of sleeping is my little brother who always falls asleep in the truck, so when we finally make it to the place we were suppose to go to we (sometimes we usually wake him up now) leave him in there and then we have to go back to the truck and drag him out.

 Okay now for my last story it's about a magician. Okay well he thinks he is and he's going to magic school. Yeah magic school instead of college. It's my brother's friend Brennan. Yeah he's a bit of a derp. Just kidding saying that he's only a bit is quite an understatement because he thinks that a reality TV show will pick him up, so he can buy an island so he can run a game show. Yeah he's really delusional. But yeah that's Brennan for you. Well he told my brother this story one that probably got in the middle of being dramatized, but let's hear it. So he asked his parents if he could camp out in his front yard and they told him that it was fine, so he took his sleeping bag and went outside. Yeah he's that weird that he likes to camp out in his front yard.

While Brennan was away in dream land one of the parent's friends passed by their house and called and told them that a homeless man was in the front of their house. Well the parents got pretty darn worried and the friend offered to call the police, but the mom of the house said that she would go and see who it was. Well she goes outside and Brennan that derp is sleeping and she get's confused because it was the dad who told him that he could. She starts waking him up and tells him everything. While that story causes for a good laugh I think it just shows how weird that kid is. I'm not a hater and I know I'm pretty darn messed up, but this kid passes me up for everything. One of them being delusional and that's pretty darn hard. Yup so that's it except you know that it's not a blog post without a gif, so here's one of my favorite's that I found again being very productive. Don't be hatin'.

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