It's true the many things that I am hung up on is really nerdy and well unhealthy. Unhealthy and unnatural and these infatuations have taken time away from my "life" (acknowledge the quotey quotes people!) Instead of writing I have well been reading books that I have decided to put my life aside for. All of this because of my friend on Goodreads telling me about Wattpad.
Yeah Wattpad has ruined my lack of a life and well I'm not sure if I'm even sad about it. Apart from me being a complete creep about some of these books (because they're not even finished books) I have a thing called "seminary" for my church which is a whole other distraction that has caused my sleeping patterns into a wonkey fiasco that has made me wake up at six in the morning even on Saturdays.
Yes thank you all for feeling my horrible pain. I also get to see a bunch of boys in the morning which isn't too bad for me the problem is my face in the morning which is far from angelic and holy. Actually I look like the complete opposite of anything that would be described as beauty. Yeah fun stuff guys fun stuff.
Oh and did I tell you all that I also have to open to the right scripture that we're reading that day and actually read at freaking six o' clock in the morning? Well I have to and I keep flipping to the wrong page realizing and not even fixing my mistake because heck what the hay do they expect it's six in the morning my eyes aren't even adjusted to the light and they should realize that a bunch of hormonal teenagers shouldn't have to wake up that early in the first place.
So that is what has been going on in my life recently. Pretty interesting right? Well that's probably not the word because I am the most mundane person I know. Reference to City of Bones if you didn't know. Also I've been trying to write a book of my own on Wattpad, but then I grow weary of my attempts and decide to do something else.
Writer's block is the craps if you ask me because I always have it. True story. Just to randomize this paragraph even further I am listening to a french song about mountains that's really strange. You are so welcome for this information because I know you love my music taste.Here's that if you want to bask in the weirdness in it with me. Just let the casualness of the sound seep into your ears and then into your pores let it create a flow of awesomeness you always believed was inside of you but never knew would be expressed. You're welcome.
(Since this video refuses to load I've uploded it above. You're still very welcome by the way.)
Well now it's time to make up another excuse to why I haven't written in a while and well this might shock you, but I have now seven kids running around my house. Yeah guys I have now a one month old baby brother named Winston James who decides to cry every time he isn't nursing on my mom's breasts. Yeah the only thing that comforts him is me hoping on an exercise ball with him. Weird but strangely effective. So that's been my couple of months. And I've joined a group on Goodreads called "Warner's Army" yeah it has made my igniting flame for the Shatter Me series more serious and complex than ever before.
It was a play on words if you're asking because if you are a nerdy fan like me you would know that the new book is Ignite me something that I'm super excited for and I was almost close to tears the other week when I saw the cover. It made a grown man cry it was so beautiful. Not me of course I'm a woman though I'm close enough to a man with the mustache I've been sporting for years.
The beautiful cover that has been making me go to the breaking point of my sanity. I was close to being put in the looney bin for this. I hope Tehereh Mafi was happy. She almost made one of her fans go crazy. Wait she didn't almost she did. Well I hope she's proud. (Cue the grumpy face.)
This series is tearing me up inside and not like the diarrhea type tearing up I'm talking killing me from the inside like what happens on a horror movie. I have grown into an empty soul that will only be filled with Warner. I need Warner. Technically and I mean in a technical sense I am a heartless, delusional, beast that is going to become a sociopath because of my many addictions. Yup that is what I've become and I won't say I'm proud of it I'm not unhappy about it though. Well maybe deep inside I am. Maybe.
I have fallen for so many things and I can't get up. But how I really fall isn't as graceful as Sherlock it's more like this:
Tis true. Before I'm enjoying the ride it stops then I fall onto the floor which turned out to be closer than I thought. Horray. Note the sarcasm dripping in my the word "horray." That is all for today people good night or morning for those who live elsewhere.
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