*Number One:
Get blue hair. This wanting, no needing inside of me for blue hair all started when I made the decision to read these two books.
Well I guess it came from three books because the second Alice in Zombie land is coming out! Yay *cue the girly giggle fits that has been coming out of my face lately because of my many obsessions.* Anyways now I'm hooked on the idea of blue hair though my parents aren't as keen on the idea. I want like dark blue so dark that you would think it's black, but in the sunlight it turns into a blue mess of beauty. Okay I see those looks your giving me! Again judge free zone cause we're tight like that!
*Number Two
Get a guy because I use my brain and don't act stupid because I think it makes me "pretty."
Two great books with heroins who are really smart and not afraid of not being "pretty enough" for guys and just focusing on having the brains and not the beauty of getting a man. Yeah they don't even make out with the guys they like the second they see them and that's what I like. Girls with standards and wanting the guys to raise they're expectations and not just go and make out with some random guy because they had a "moment." These books were really refreshing in the sense that they had common sense.
*Number Three
Getting a blond guy to like me. Now this reading list is going to be long don't judge me!
This is a short list compared to my real one because I have a ton of books that has a bunch of hot blond guys! You're so very welcome because all of these books are super good.
*Number Four (at least I think this is the number we're on.)
Having a cutsey fling that they have all over media. Haha I only have this one on here because of all of the many books that I love with flings that make my heart swell even if they're a little cheesy.
All of these books I have a special place in my heart for them despite the many cliche parts in them. What can I say I'm a hopeless romantic!
I have many more on my wish list, but I'm pretty sure you don't want me to show you my whole list. Anyways I'll probably do something like this another time soon. Also I've passed the college test and I'm super excited to go to college! Yeah so that's something that happened and I was just bursting to tell people. So I'll be going to my first college class in January! Any tips just comment because I really don't want to screw this up.
Okay besides that I hope you won't think I'm completely boy crazy like my sister thinks I am because of this list. It's just something that I have on my list that I wanted to share with ya'll. Maybe next time I'll do some that aren't about boys. Yeah my sister thinks I'm boy crazy because I like three boys! Three! I mean I could be hitting on every guy I see but I like three boys and she thinks I'm boy crazy. Ugh it's ridiculous! All three of the guys I like are blond and I've talked to every one of them and not in the flirty way guys I'm not that kind of girl I'm more like this:
Well that's what I try to do, but on my face it comes out like this:
Yeah I've actually been told that I look like the female version of Mr. Bean. I find that offensive though I will not say that it's anything short from the truth. I have my Mr. Bean faces that I make and I try not to do it out of context though and just do it randomly. I wait for special occasions you get the boat I'm floating? *Winks suggestively. Haha just kidding guys I am a master when it comes to the art of making my face look animated. It's just how my face is. Okay well I guess I'll pay you ado. Write later, hopefully.
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