Lately I've been sick. And no I'm not talking about the good kind of sick like the kind you call your friends when they do something awesome I'm talking the bad kind of sick. The kind that there's boogers coming out of your nose and you look and smell like death. What's that death doesn't have a smell? Yes it does because that's exactly how I smell and it's not too pleasant.
Anyways being sick means that you get to stay home from school which is a plus though the fact is I'm home schooled so I pretty much did what I always do. Read. Yeah It's pretty much the best thing to pass the time, and it's quite educational. I've actually have gotten my outstanding vocabulary from books. I guess you can say that I'm nothing without books and well you can thank them for my awesomeness.
But lately I haven't been reading just any books. Noo cause I'm special I've been reading online books. It's because a friend of mine recommended Wattpad did I start an obsession that I'll probably never get over. Seriously this is what I've been spending night and day on and to be honest I'm not very proud of it. Though what the heck I can do it because I don't have a life so there's that.
So Wattpad is for just regular people can just write their stories and it's all fine and great, but the thing is the website is so they can upload whenever they freaking want. So there you are waiting for the next chapter for weeks or days or months. It all feels the same because it kills you inside to wait for the next chapter.
It's true I've gotten into a bunch of these books and they're not complete so I feel like I'm dying when the person decides not to update their freaking story. Seriously I lay around the house groaning and grunting occasionally when someone talks to me. Then I get on it to check if whoever it is has gotten online and posted when I get into other books that look long enough, but in an hour I'm done with that book and I'm waiting for that person to update.
This happens over and over and it just kills me inside to read a book and for it to be incomplete because my heart shatters and isn't complete without that book being complete. It's completely true. I wait and wait and some of my favorite books on Wattpad still haven't been updated. This makes me sad inside and I just become a depressed ball of negative energy.
Though I hate this to happen to me I am indeed writing a book on Wattpad so if you want to check it out I won't mind. Yeah that's right I'm shamelessly advertising my book so what are you going to do about it? That's write nothing. Haha I put write instead of right. I'm hilarious.
Anyways there's this one book called "I love to hate you" and girl, man, persons I freaking love this book. It makes me laugh and cry and overall it's super funny and enjoyable and surprises me. There's a twist that blew my mind, but of course it isn't finished. I know the lady who writes it is really trying to update fast, but I read faster than she can update.
I still love her though for writing something so hilarious and crazy. Seriously I'm jealous of her mad writing skills. If you want to check it out just click on this link right here. Anyways I would recommend it if you like to be humored to the extent of tears. Now on the other hand there's a lot of cussing, so if you don't like that kind of stuff than don't read it. I love it even though there's the whole cussing thing that I don't like it's still a great book.
So there's that. Okay and also there's a book called "Last Virgin Standing." Actually someone told me that it was good, but by the title I was a little critical and didn't want to read it. I read the summary, and I didn't know what to think until...
BAM!! Awesome central and I decided that I liked it and the liking factor turned up and now I love it. Now this book isn't finished either though I hope it will be soon because darn I freaking can't stand not knowing what's happening.
It's just refreshing and there's really no profanities and I just overall enjoyed it because it's nice, and well the girl still keeps to her standards which is awesome and made me love it even more. So I would invite all of you to read that.
Also I know what all of you are thinking. And that is if I've turned into a total priss when I started reading these Wattpad books because all of them are romantic and crap, but the truth is that I've actually have started liking these books because of the main characters. They're just so enjoyable I can relate to the characters and these books give me that fuzzy feeling inside okay. And you know I like the goose bumps that they give me. I mean who doesn't like fuzzy feelings and if you don't you are probably a soulless ginger and therefore it's understandable for your lack of feelings.
I liked a lot of other books (you see that d at the end of like, exactly) though the feelings for them changed when they got extremely unrealistic. Seriously the authors took it too far and it just turned into crap the runny kind that pretty much ruins your life. I mean I beg for them online to upload and then they do and it's obvious they rushed it. I can see that they tried, but they didn't put in the heart and passion in it therefore making it just words that are meaningless.
So in the end it's sad that they make it like that because it's all realistic and relate able and then they had to ruin it. And kill your favorite character in the process. Oh wait never mind that's the lady who writes Harry Potter. Though in her defense it wasn't suppose to be realistic actually it was extremely unrealistic because it's outwardly fictional, but you get my point.
And though I whine about people not updating I don't do it either. There's that. I seriously try and then when I'm about to update I conclude that my writing is crap. That or my computer completely shuts off and I'm left to an empty screen that hasn't saved my writing. Yeah this happens a lot surprisingly and I never learn my lesson because I'm a derp-fish. That's all you can go live your life now that you've had your share of me today. :)