Dancing to "Mrs. Jones" is hard enough without having other people watch you do it. I go with the awkward shuffle on that song, and pretending I have a microphone while my mom picks up cheese. Yes we usually do it on the dairy isle because that's where you can hear the music the best. Well that's at least what we do for our local Krogers that we seem to never get enough of. Seriously I have nine people in my family and it's survival of the fittest when it comes down to food. Now that I think of it it's survival of the fittest for everything around my house.
Anyways there's always that one Colby Caillat song that you try to resist, and then you fall into temptations, and start screeching at the top of your longs the lyrics to "I do" even though you despise the song with a deep passion after your brother claimed it to be his favorite song. Oh never mind is that just me? Don't be hatin' peeps there's seriously temptation that comes laced in that song I swear. If it doesn't affect you it's probably because of the fact that you're an emotionless robot in which I disown you as my viewer. I'm just kidding. Or am I? Bum Bum!
Okay guys I really am just kidding, but there's always those songs that you furiously try to avoid, but it's everywhere and you can't help yourself, but to start singing the despised song. Yeah I have been plagued with listening to Justin Timberlake's "Mirrors." Girl, you already know that I'll be like "ugh this song sucks" one minute and the next I'm singing "It's like I'm a mirror. The mirror's staring back at me." Seriously every time that song turns onto the radio it's like I'm sucked into a trance it's freaky because then it's stuck in your head after. Tricky Justin Timberlake is probably hypnotizing me because seriously I don't know how you can hate a song so much and then know every single line of lyrics that's involved with the whole song, and try to avoid criticizing your friends when they say the wrong words. I'm weird I've acknowledged this fact of my life and have embraced it, so get the heck over it already so we can move on. Thank you have a nice day!
And then there's the really cringe worthy moments in your singing that involves a whole lot of people in one room and all of them stopping to hear the wretched whale noises coming out of your mouth. Yeah awkward especially when everyone starts laughing at you when you stop singing. That's me every morning. I know I suck at singing always, but in the morning it's like three million times worse. I didn't know that was possible until I started up really early and having to sing in seminary. If you don't know what seminary is by now it's fine just don't even ask you don't want to know.
I started remembering doing all these things after Dan is not on fire reminded me what I probably shouldn't be thinking about. Now if you don't know who Dan is not on fire is than you must be living under a rock or a hard place because it's kind of hard to hide his awesomeness. Bask in his gloriousness because I'm going to put up a gif that will blow your mind.
I kind of love him. He's awesome. So if you want to check out the Youtube video he's in that has made me think of all this bull shark that I've done in the pass then check him out on this wonderful link right here.
Never mind I'll just share it because it's being a ploopers and decided to not work. :)
So yeah it's all true what he says. It happens to me all the time. Story of my life. That is all fair maidens you too random citizen.
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