Anyways recently I haven't been baking recently since my little sister has taken over in that department and to be honest she isn't horrible at it. Of course I would never tell her that because she's my sister and all that crap and I think there's an unspoken rule beyond all the world knowing you don't compliment your siblings.
So I've told you about seminary and how nobody wants to be there, but I decided to use my awesomely awesome baking skills to make some brownie cheesecake bars. Yeah I'm awesome like that you don't have to keep reminding me gosh I know I'm popular. Anyways one of my teachers was having like a really hard time remembering really anything so we ended early which was a relief because usually we leave the class late every single freaking day. But since we ended early my teacher decided to make us all read scriptures.
I try not to resort to having to read scriptures at six in the morning, so you can imagine how relieved I was to have those brownies it was one huge excuse to stop from having to read scriptures. Thank heavens I decided to do it on Thursday. Anyways when I said I had cheesecake brownies you should have seen how everyone's head just snapped in my direction. Seriously I was worried for them they could have gotten whiplash from how fast they turned.
The point of this story is that I made people's day. I mean I was like a superhero to them, and I was pretty proud. Also the guy that I liked started flirting with me which wasn't a bad addition. And it kind of sort of made my morning that a guy started flirting with me because of my scrumptious brownies.
I was also told by a person that I knew was in my class, but I haven't actually met and I don't know personally that I was perfect. Okay let me quote this girl "Natalie you're so perfect! Blah Blah Blah." I put the blah blahs because, I'll be honest I stopped listening to the brute after she called me perfect. I will admit it was a compliment, but it just made me kind of pissy.
Sorry I don't know maybe there's something wrong with me, but it was obvious that she was just sucking up to me to get brownies and it just made me mad. I mean it's obvious what she wants I'm not completely oblivious. So why didn't she just ask for it instead of sucking up? Again maybe there's just something wrong with me. Never mind you and I both know there's already something wrong with me, but you get my point.
So going back to the whole baking theme because I somehow always manage to get off topic I don't know how my brain is just a scramble of random things, and it really shows when I write. My sister was baking cake for my brother's birthday and she almost set aflame the house. It was lovely especially when I woke up to my evening nap to the smell of burning butts.
Yeah she didn't even notice that the bottom of the oven was on fire. Though the house didn't burn down (which was pretty nice if you ask me) we did get cake, and she didn't set that aflame so that was a plus. Cake is good the end.
Cake bring piece to all nations. See what I did there? That's how you play on words playa! Any who I feel like all of you beautiful people reading this post wanted to know that right now I want cake. And now since someone invented something as glorious and holy as cake in a cup you can have cake in fourty seconds. Note to people who invented this:
I love you!!
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