Friday, October 18, 2013

The "Art" of Trying Too Hard

 I know people who try really hard to be something. I know girls that wake up at four in the morning to make sure their makeup is just so. Then there's girls like me who don't try at all. I wake up in the morning and put a shirt on with the occasional yawn I brush my teeth. Then I'm ready for seminary.

 I just don't care in the morning. Don't blame me for not caring at all in the afternoon at all or the night. I'm just not that kind of girl that wants to impress guys badly. I look "natural" in the morning and pretty much every time of the day. Which means I'm sporting that hairless gorilla look all the time. Actually  I might as well be king kong in the morning because I'm freaking angry at every human being that gets in my way and I look unnatural. It's a true fact of my life. And this look always manages to bring guys in. This statement is completely sarcastic. If you didn't catch it before you are now fully informed.
 Either it's laziness or my lack of money I haven't ever put on makeup. I know it's a crime in some people's books, but my mom doesn't buy makeup for me and I don't want to buy my own. Also again I'm lazy and from what I hear it takes forever to put on and take off. Also a girl I know who's like me which means she's absolutely perfect. I'm just kidding she doesn't like to wear makeup either the only difference is that she's pretty enough to pull it off. Anyways she said that if you always wear makeup that nobody will recognize your real face. Also that people will expect you to wear makeup all the time.

 I believe that's true though some people cake it on. A little bit of makeup is okay girls, but when you put too much on it looks bad. Everyone knows that's not your actual face and it's just gunk covering what you call a face. There's not even one of my guy friends that say that they like girls with layers and layers of makeup. One the other hand all of my guy friends are complete nerds and drool over fictional characters though truth be told I've had my fair share of doing that too. If you've ever read some of the books I do you'd be doing it too because fictional characters are so much better than real people. Sorry but it's the truth.

 Also there's the girls who flirt. The flirting that I've witnessed is shameless and really embarrassing for three people; spectators, the guy, and the girl flirting. It's actually really sad that these girls have to throw themselves on guys to get any attention. It's also sad that girls act perfectly incapable of forming sentences without saying "like" a million times. Actually the other day I counted how many times one of my friends said "like" in a sentence. Let's just say it was more than a couple. It's bugs me that girls have to twirl their hair and act like complete shameless hussies to get anyone to notice them.

 Look at me I don't even try to get guys. Oh wait don't look at me guys don't like me. Woops. But at least I don't act like a complete 'horn dog.' I don't know why but this phrase makes me laugh so hard. It's hilarious but it's seriously what girls are acting like. Just stop girlfriends it's weird and awkward when you act like horn dogs. Okay that's all I just wanted to get that off my back. Ooh but I have a good song if you want to hear it. Oh wait I'm not giving you a choice.

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