Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Seminary Will Be The Death Of Me!!!

 Have you read through some of your own writing and been like "wow I am freaking hilarious I don't know why people aren't paying me to write this crap." Well that's exactly what I was thinking just a couple of seconds ago.

 Okay yes I was reading through my own blog and commenting (to my self of course ugh forever alone) about how funny I am or was. Maybe my funniness was a thing of the past when I could stay up all night long and be so freaking loopy that I would start writing and actually be funny. Yeah we all have those times though others have these moments when they're drunk I can participate in these activities when I'm completely sober, but not entirely awake.

 Being insanely tired is probably the closest thing that I'll ever be to getting drunk or high or whatever the kids my age do which is probably more bad things than I will be doing in a lifetime, but back to the point tiredness makes me look like someone who has successfully escaped the loony bin. That's right I look like I'm on the "lamb" and I don't even care because being half awake is pretty much how I live my life.

 About a couple months ago I just used to stay awake and write on inspiration and I was really good at doing that kind of crap and now here I am fighting to stay awake because of the thing that has changed my life (in a non-pleasant kind of way) and I have mentioned it before but it's seminary. The thing that has single-handedly ruined my life in a couple of freaking weeks.

 Now I rarely have one moment that I'm not completely loopy and it's been driving me up the wall. If you don't know I'm homeschooled so right after seminary I come right back home, and I feel like crap so I sleep for an hour more, but it's nothing to satisfy my wanting of sleep. No my needing of sleep. I just can't take this silliness anymore.

  So yeah that's why I'm here at eleven thirty at night writing about my sleeping issues to the internet who really cares. Yeah way to go Natalie. I feel my eyes seriously drooping with my eye bags they're so large. It's wonderful! This statement has enough sarcasm dripping in my voice if it was a physical thing you would be swimming in it. Okay that didn't make any sense at all.

 Yeah I feel like crap I look like crap I'm just not a happy camper in the mornings. I'm a night person and night owls aren't too joyous if you wake them up so don't you dare ever wake me up. I seriously have a persona in the morning in the form of a really high intelligent black girl. Seriously I come up with witty come backs like nobody's business and I won't lie that some of them I am quite proud of.

 But right now really every day is a blur I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday (though it was probably cornflakes because cornflakes is the best cereal ever!) This is obviously a problem for me because everyone wants to know what I had for breakfast yesterday! No they don't I just said that to make myself look cool. Did it work? Obviously not.

  Yeah every morning I wake up, wash my face, brush my teeth, pick up my scriptures, put on a shirt (which is apparently really "essential" I mean I know the boys wouldn't mind if I walked into seminary completely shirtless.) Then I hop in my sister's 2/3 of a car (and I say this because my other sister owns 1/3 of the car because she only paid for 1/3s of the car) and then when we make it to the church I proceed to sit in the back and completely block out or ignore everything that my teacher says.

 I know they prepared and all that crap and they care about our "learning experiences" though I don't give a crap I just want my freaking hours of sleep and if my church encourages waking kids up early count me out on listening to anything they have to say for that hour of sleep they deprive me of. Sorry I'm a horrible person that's the short and long plea for forgiveness, but seriously they deserve it okay they really do.

 Now that I've pleaded my case on that let's talk about the many annoying arse people in my class who even at six in the morning never fails to be the most annoying imbeciles and neanderthals that they can be. They make there regular annoying persona 1,000 times more annoying which I used to think impossible until I could actually have evidence for myself of the acts and the crimes that they've committed in my book.

 One of the guys in my class talks about how smart he is, and how he's so superior to us, and how he can hit his hand and not feel anything. Nobody gives a flying leprechaun okay nobody gives a shipping package. Obviously I'm trying hard to keep it pg up in here! But seriously nobody cares what you know just shut up so the rest of us actually sane people can sleep or attempt to sleep.

 Again I know I'm a bad person, but give me a break I hate it though get forced to do it and lose more sleep than ever day by day I can see my energy which was barely existent in the first place because of whatever reason God decided to make me this way  start dwindling and soon it's going to be nothingness and I'm going to wither and shrivel up into nothingness! Okay that's a bit dramatic but whatever! You get my point either that or your just going with the flow like a dead fishy. But I love my sleep. I worship my sleep. I need some sleep kay? Kay. Glad we had this understanding. Sleeping is good for me so I want it!

Shh Sherlock you needn't say a word I'm here:

Okay guys:

Ahh how I like a good gif. Well goodnight lest I see you when you wake!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My "Unnatural" Wish List!

  Have you ever had a bucket list that you have just made up solely on the books you have read? Well I have made one up that seems really crazy to others, but don't be judging! We're too tight in this friendship that there's not a single room for judging okay and if you don't want this tight knit friendship then back out because I don't have room for a piece of yarn that's just going to hang loose on my scarf of awesomeness!

 *Number One:
Get blue hair. This wanting, no needing inside of me for blue hair all started when I made the decision to read these two books.
 Well I guess it came from three books because the second Alice in Zombie land is coming out! Yay *cue the girly giggle fits that has been coming out of my face lately because of my many obsessions.* Anyways now I'm hooked on the idea of blue hair though my parents aren't as keen on the idea. I want like dark blue so dark that you would think it's black, but in the sunlight it turns into a blue mess of beauty. Okay I see those looks your giving me! Again judge free zone cause we're tight like that!

 *Number Two
 Get a guy because I use my brain and don't act stupid because I think it makes me "pretty."
Troubled Waters (Elemental Blessings, #1) Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)
Two great books with heroins who are really smart and not afraid of not being "pretty enough" for guys and just focusing on having the brains and not the beauty of getting a man. Yeah they don't even make out with the guys they like the second they see them and that's what I like. Girls with standards and wanting the guys to raise they're expectations and not just go and make out with some random guy because they had a "moment." These books were really refreshing in the sense that they had common sense.

 *Number Three
 Getting a blond guy to like me. Now this reading list is going to be long don't judge me!
Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy, #1) Plain Kate The Program (The Program, #1) The Space Between  Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) Skylark (Skylark, #1) Virtuosity The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #1) The Selection (The Selection, #1)
This is a short list compared to my real one because I have a ton of books that has a bunch of hot blond guys! You're so very welcome because all of these books are super good.

*Number Four (at least I think this is the number we're on.)
 Having a cutsey fling that they have all over media. Haha I only have this one on here because of all of the many books that I love with flings that make my heart swell even if they're a little cheesy.
1846648 11962848 22232 331920
All of these books I have a special place in my heart for them despite the many cliche parts in them. What can I say I'm a hopeless romantic!

I have many more on my wish list, but I'm pretty sure you don't want me to show you my whole list. Anyways I'll probably do something like this another time soon. Also I've passed the college test and I'm super excited to go to college! Yeah so that's something that happened and I was just bursting to tell people. So I'll be going to my first college class in January! Any tips just comment because I really don't want to screw this up.

Okay besides that I hope you won't think I'm completely boy crazy like my sister thinks I am because of this list. It's just something that I have on my list that I wanted to share with ya'll. Maybe next time I'll do some that aren't about boys. Yeah my sister thinks I'm boy crazy because I like three boys! Three! I mean I could be hitting on every guy I see but I like three boys and she thinks I'm boy crazy. Ugh it's ridiculous! All three of the guys I like are blond and I've talked to every one of them and not in the flirty way guys I'm not that kind of girl I'm more like this:
Well that's what I try to do, but on my face it comes out like this:

Yeah I've actually been told that I look like the female version of Mr. Bean. I find that offensive though I will not say that it's anything short from the truth. I have my Mr. Bean faces that I make and I try not to do it out of context though and just do it randomly. I wait for special occasions you get the boat I'm floating? *Winks suggestively. Haha just kidding guys I am a master when it comes to the art of making my face look animated. It's just how my face is. Okay well I guess I'll pay you ado. Write later, hopefully.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fueling Obsessions...

 I haven't been writing for a while and the title is exactly why I haven't been. It's no surprise that I obsess over way too many things all of them confirming my nerdiness and most of them including my book fetish that has made me a sociopath and not one as hot as Sherlock who is one of my ever fueling addiction.

 It's true the many things that I am hung up on is really nerdy and well unhealthy. Unhealthy and unnatural and these infatuations have taken time away from my "life" (acknowledge the quotey quotes people!)  Instead of writing I have well been reading books that I have decided to put my life aside for. All of this because of my friend on Goodreads telling me about Wattpad.

 Yeah Wattpad has ruined my lack of a life and well I'm not sure if I'm even sad about it. Apart from me being a complete creep about some of these books (because they're not even finished books) I have a thing called "seminary" for my church which is a whole other distraction that has caused my sleeping patterns into a wonkey fiasco that has made me wake up at six in the morning even on Saturdays.

 Yes thank you all for feeling my horrible pain. I also get to see a bunch of boys in the morning which isn't too bad for me the problem is my face in the morning which is far from angelic and holy. Actually I look like the complete opposite of anything that would be described as beauty. Yeah fun stuff guys fun stuff.

 Oh and did I tell you all that I also have to open to the right scripture that we're reading that day and actually read at freaking six o' clock in the morning? Well I have to and I keep flipping to the wrong page realizing and not even fixing my mistake because heck what the hay do they expect it's six in the morning my eyes aren't even adjusted to the light and they should realize that a bunch of hormonal teenagers shouldn't have to wake up that early in the first place.

 So that is what has been going on in my life recently. Pretty interesting right? Well that's probably not the word because I am the most mundane person I know. Reference to City of Bones if you didn't know. Also I've been trying to write a book of my own on Wattpad, but then I grow weary of my attempts and decide to do something else.

 Writer's block is the craps if you ask me because I always have it. True story. Just to randomize this paragraph even further I am listening to a french song about mountains that's really strange. You are so welcome for this information because I know you love my music taste.Here's that if you want to bask in the weirdness in it with me. Just let the casualness of the sound seep into your ears and then into your pores let it create a flow of awesomeness you always believed was inside of you but never knew would be expressed. You're welcome.
(Since this video refuses to load I've uploded it above. You're still very welcome by the way.)

 Well now it's time to make up another excuse to why I haven't written in a while and well this might shock you, but I have now seven kids running around my house. Yeah guys I have now a one month old baby brother named Winston James who decides to cry every time he isn't nursing on my mom's breasts. Yeah the only thing that comforts him is me hoping on an exercise ball with him. Weird but strangely effective. So that's been my couple of months. And I've joined a group on Goodreads called "Warner's Army" yeah it has made my igniting flame for the Shatter Me series more serious and complex than ever before.

 It was a play on words if you're asking because if you are a nerdy fan like me you would know that the new book is Ignite me something that I'm super excited for and I was almost close to tears the other week when I saw the cover. It made a grown man cry it was so beautiful. Not me of course I'm a woman though I'm close enough to a man with the mustache I've been sporting for years.
 The beautiful cover that has been making me go to the breaking point of my sanity. I was close to being put in the looney bin for this. I hope Tehereh Mafi was happy. She almost made one of her fans go crazy. Wait she didn't almost she did. Well I hope she's proud. (Cue the grumpy face.)

This series is tearing me up inside and not like the diarrhea type tearing up I'm talking killing me from the inside like what happens on a horror movie. I have grown into an empty soul that will only be filled with Warner. I need Warner. Technically and I mean in a technical sense I am a heartless, delusional, beast that is going to become a sociopath because of my many addictions. Yup that is what I've become and I won't say I'm proud of it I'm not unhappy about it though. Well maybe deep inside I am. Maybe.

 I have fallen for so many things and I can't get up. But how I really fall isn't as graceful as Sherlock it's more like this:

 Tis true. Before I'm enjoying the ride it stops then I fall onto the floor which turned out to be closer than I thought. Horray. Note the sarcasm dripping in my the word "horray." That is all for today people good night or morning for those who live elsewhere.