Friday, July 19, 2013

Smarty Pants.

 Although some of my experiences with boys are really disgusting or so embarrassing that I have blocked it (or have tried to) I actually still like some of them. Now some are real pigs, and I'm not talking just outside my church because even some in my church are druggies, perverts, and have taken other unruly paths of life though I still see these boys that are very gentlemanly, attractive, courteous, did I say attractive already because dang are some of those boys have gained some very physical blessings if you ask me.

 Okay now I'll stop being creepy. But truth be told that they're "bad seeds" everywhere the only thing that you need is a good judgment or if you don't have one surround yourself with others that might have better judgments on the guys you like or have a better insight. Okay I know what your thinking "Why should I listen to a girl who will never have a boyfriend." Well that is a good question and one that I will answer simply. You should not listen to me, but if you so choose to which you have so far then I will give you my opinion.

The sentence I just presented to you is the answer to your question and it's also something that Sharon Shinn would have written in one of her books. I have recently been reading her books and she is a master at words she writes in a style that amazes me and her books are originally made also making me like the main characters because they have a sense of style.

The girls that she writes about are all really smart and are cleaver and snappy. They have attitude and they can really think their way out of anything if they really wanted to and for her writing main characters like this I respect it because she writes fictionally, but it almost seems real with the way they act. I end up liking her any characters.

 Anyway back to the point Sharon Shinn makes all the love interests have comebacks that make me smile and it's just really enjoyable to read because of the fact that their relationship is built on worries on quarrels on real things while some relationships are just built on how good you kiss or how "hot" you are. Maybe it's just me but I think that just going into a store and seeing people making out is really disturbing though I have gotten used to it I shouldn't have to.

 Back to Sharon Shinn in her books the main characters are plain looking, but their intellect is what makes men interested in them. I find this really pleasant for reasons I can't explain. Thinking about boys that pick spouses because of their intellect makes me smile though I will never get a boyfriend in this way either because of the fact that I am quite a fool and decide not to make myself grow to my full potential because of my laziness.

 Still talking about the intelligence subject why do girls act dumb in front of boys? I've never understood this and to be honest I still don't. Okay you might get attention from the boys but it's bad attention. Wouldn't you rather have good attention than bad attention? I don't know I guess not.

 Now today I was talking to my older sister about Cleopatra. Because of my sister having to do a report on Egyptian gods she was reading about it, and it turns out Cleopatra wasn't gorgeous as movies and media have shown her. Cleopatra was actually described pretty much as plain looking. What caught the eyes of men was the way she presented her statements, arguments, and really everything she said was planned out. She presented herself as a smart woman that was able to do anything by herself. She could argue her points for hours and could silence a man by her quick sharp tongue. By doing this everyone saw her as stunning because of her remarkable brain. She was thought attractive because of her brain and everyone looked up to her because of it. This is very amazing and I actually like history because of stories like this. So with this I must pay thee a farewell.

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