Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The House of Little Horrors!!

 She hears a scream and when she looks around the corner she sees the little face smiling a devilish grin making her childishly round face evil looking. Okay this is very dramatic and all, but that’s how I roll. You know how I do. Anyway this week I've decided to talk about horror stories, but these aren't the regular ones that makes you lay away at night wanting to cry to your mom. They’re the kind that makes you learn from others horrible experiences. It’s the curse of the little kids. Of course some people are like “Oh little kids they’re little angels they can do no wrong” and I’m sure their parents think this too, but when the babysitter arrives all crap hits the ceiling. I've recently heard some really bad ones, so sit back and read the horrors and enjoy or take notes ( WARNING this is overly dramatic as is everything on my blog and is suppose to be funny  please don’t get offended thank you!)

Having to babysit someone you don’t know is really unsettling and pretty horrible for three reasons. You don’t know what the little kid’s personality is which is sometimes sweet, but most of the time very naughty. Two is you don’t know what you’re going to get paid for putting up with the little hooligan’s shenanigans. The other problem is when the kid’s parents are going to show up and have to be a parent again. So having these three problems in mind you walk up to the door ready even eager to get this over with when the parents open the door and practically shove you inside the house and start running out to their car. While running out the mother decides to finally inform you that her kid thinks she’s possessed. Just having this processing in your mind and not knowing what the heck is going on you turn around and the girl is silently watching you. No hello just creepy little eyes staring at you. Yeah apparently the whole night was her putting the girl to bed the girl not saying a word and then getting up standing on the stairs and watching her when she was watching TV. The girl that informed me of this story said that it chilled her to the bone to see that little girl just watching her not saying a word the whole night and it freaked her so much that she was never desperate enough for money to ever babysit the family again.
 This story is from my life experience and obviously I’m not good with kids because for some reason they like to beat me up. Anyway yesterday I was babysitting a kid and we were watching the Muppet's movie when he decides to change it. Well he made that decision about seven times and finally I looked him in the face, and said “Look I’m not going to change the movie again so sit your arse down and watch this one.” Yeah I usually don’t get snippy with anyone that I babysit (mostly because I never babysit), but the lady wasn't paying me so technically it was “babysitting” and what I did was legal and stuff so it’s all good in the hood. But anyway the boy finally settles his butt down, and he starts picking his nose. I have bad experiences with nose pickers especially the ones that’s about to go to college and does the sacrament bread, but I won’t begin with that because it’s too much to write about. Anyway he wipes his boogers on the couch and I start reprimanding him and I help him wash his hands. After that I think it’s over, but he just starts to pick his nose again and he starts wiping it on the couch. I don’t even care by this point because at least he’s sitting down. Thirty minutes later he starts complaining on how hungry he is and after that he picks up his boogers that he put on the couch and he starts eating it. 
Yeah pretty gross I have other horror stories, but because of my lack of going out of the house it isn't from my own experiences. Though one of them involves a ten year old still breast feeding which is quite uncomfortable thing especially when the mom is talking about giving the kid a bottle when she's gone. That's really different just saying.

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