I have a really bad temper if you guys didn't know. I don't mean your regular bad temper because mine is always bad I just have to tell myself to ignore it and walk away from the situation before someone (that someone not being me) goes to the hospital. Believe it or not when I'm mad I turn into the freaking hulk and despite the fact of me having noodily arms I can throw a good punch when I'm angry enough.
So I've found away to get around my anger issues, so one day I won't either be thrown in jail or thrown in an insane asylum because heaven knows I'm crazy when I get angry and I do the first thing that comes to mind which isn't exactly a good thing.
In the past I usually acted on my anger which led to being punished and this, that, and the other kind of punishments that usually didn't whip me into shape. But I've found something instead of walking away listening to happy music and reading a semi happy book that turns out to kill one of the co. characters and make you sob like a baby, but what's not happy about that? Yeah this is what it is..
Yeah it's fruit everybody. I have taken a liking (and I kind of have a natural talent) for making fruit salads. I don't mean you're regular fruit salads I like to make the pieces so small that you have to use a microscope to see them and you can't even use your fork to pick them up. So if you pick it up with a spoon then you get all of the fruits and it tastes really awesome. I'm cool and when I get pissed off I just go and cut some fruit though nobody knows it yet that it's a sign that I'm mad at them, so they come into the kitchen to get some before I'm done and I enjoy everyone complements and that makes me happy again.
Maybe I'm a weird fourteen year old girl to be doing this for my anger issues, but hey it's affective in making me happy again and that's all I wanted it to do in the first place, so all is good. But now since I have developed my skill in little knifes and strawberry cutting everybody wants my fruit salad and it's kind of cool for me I'm not going to lie. Anyway that's it, but my posts aren't good without me talking about some book, so (drum roll please) BAM!!
This book is so awesome and the cover's beautiful it's just overall a great storyline and the writing is magical and really pulls you in. I love this book!! Why are you still here show's over go home.
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