Even when they leave the space that they are so rudely stinking up with their offensive scent, you can still smell the ungodly putrid scent long afterwards. So pretty much it's like on The Grand Budapest Hotel when it references this type of behavior by expressing it as "a liberal amount of fragrance" that is put on Mr. Gustave, and later talks about how you can smell his scent a little before he approaches and it lingers briefly when he leaves. Okay, before I get back to the matter at hand lemme give a shout out to my proper citing. My English teacher would be so proud.
To get this straight I'm not saying that all perfumes are grotesque or are overly strong, what I'm saying is that the people who bathe in these overly disgusting scents are not people I want to be around. Okay let's be straight up right now, there's the people who are overly fragranced with horrible smells, or people who don't use enough deodorant, or even bathing material in general (soap bro, you need it.) Seriously there's a small, and when I mean small, I mean minuscule amount of people who are perfectly balanced and smell nothing like extreme B.O. or overwhelming essence of douche. I would like to categorize myself as one of those people, though occasionally I'm on the side of needing a long nice shower to smell a little more cleanly, though who hasn't been on that side every once in a while?

Anyways this pet peeve of mine was very apparent to me as I went to a camp. Varrying smells are always accompanied by camping, but the smell of intense body odor is more evident than anything. If you're me, however, you would acknowledge how much everyone smelled as bad as that one time I went to a cow farm, and get over it. Legit I wasn't really sure how I, myself smelled, so how could I judge another when I probably was the stinkiest of all? Exactly I couldn't.
So back to the story at hand. I was just 'chilling' (is that what the kids say these days?) and due to my leadership roles that was taking place at this camp I among other teens were called to a brief meeting explaining the different activities for that day. This meeting was accomanied with the biggest jerk I know. Now this jerk isn't only a complete poo, he is also so full of himself he wouldn't even know how off putting he was being, if he were in a weird paradox and was faced with himself and having a rough argument about which one of them was hotter.
Yup that's how bad his vein-ness is; it's quite pitiful, actually...
Back to the meeting which was situated in a small cabin filled with the majority of middle-aged women and teenagers, it was again very small. So in the middle of this little overview the butthole, I was talking about previously reaches into his skinny jean pocket (yeah did I mention he's one of 'those' guys who thinks he's a hipster, but listens to Fallout Boy. Ammatures.) and brings out this small bottle of axe cologne. Now I won't say that I hate axe because truthfully I have caught myself smelling some scents from them, and being oddly relieved at the pleasant scent. This is very disappointing to me that people think it's the douchiest cologne because truthfully some don't smell THAT bad. But this scent that this kid decided to put on was the bees in the knees when it came to horrible fragrances.
This poo then proceeds to lift up his freaking pits (which I will inform you smelled like the other scale of bad scents, B.O.) and then pretty much goes on to spray the whole length of not only his pits, but his whole body, right in the middle of the freaking meeting. The smell, as you might have imagined, was a bit overpowering for most. It was almost like the smell of a skunk, because instantly everyone lifts up their shirts to cover the holes in their face that the scent might offend. I was sitting close enough that I could even taste the retched stench. I then coughed and proceeded to make the statement "Woah dude, hold back on the cologne. I can smell the douche from over here."
This was however not that effective due to me being so close in proximity to him. A few people however, chuckled as the scumbag glared at me. Then after the fact saying "Wow Natalie, that was a fresh comment" then putting his nose in the sky and walking away. First of all the comment was definitely fresher then how he smelled. Second, can you say rude much?

Anyways hopefully all of you can try to acknowledge and try to keep yourselves as fresh smelling as possible.