Okay that's a complete stretch. Though let's all be serious we all (don't even deny it) look forward to Spring Break saying stuff like "We should all hang out during the break", or "I'll do that during the break", and even "Maybe I'll like you again when the break is through." That last thing isn't something anyone says, but I do have that thought occasionally. Yeah way more than occasionally you got me.
Anyways we look toward breaks as something that will change us forever. We even covet those moments of no school that's suppose to complete us above other blissfulness that comes when you're at a party (oh sorry I mean "intimate get-together" parents don't be alarmed.) Or that happy moment when you hang out with that really attractive guy or girl (whatever you want me to call them insert here________) all break, yeah the moments that only happen in fictional things such as movies, books, or whatever other high-tech things you have that I didn't list.
Point is we think we will be better after a break of school (or that at the very least we'll have better game). We say we'll do stuff because we have time, though the reality is that because we have time on our hands we just usually find ourselves being lazied over, and not doing anything, later gives us regret or even guilt. Pretty much we agree to things that in our state of mind in the moment is an actually contemplation doing those things, which in the end is re-decided of the not wanting to follow through because of other distractions. Either that or just the realization of us having time solely for the purpose of sleeping gets us right off the productivity train.
And again with the getting together with your friends lie. Seriously I get tired of asking people to hang out, so I'm good at my house listening to "Welcome to Night Vale" in the middle of the day in a darkroom shiftily eyeing everything fearfully as Cecil's really creepy radio voice goes on about the dark figures in the dog park. Yeah I'm pretty sure that nobody else does that except me and maybe one of my friends, Eve. We're weird people don't hate.
Anyways in reality every person you ask to hang out during Spring Break is either on vacation or just laying around their house being lazy beings and eyeing the TV remote because they're too comfortable to move. They might also be eyeing the remote because they still want to make sure that they really don't have some kind of mind powers to levitate it to themselves. We've all done it, so let's not act coy. Though by doing this act we've all shown that we don't have enough brain cells to have mind powers. I just pointed out a really large flaw of yours...
You're welcome.
Also during breaks we form a deep bond not with people, but with another thing that's electronic and better than any human being alive. You guessed it the computer/any other kind of device that plays Netflix for your lonely cat lady needs. Though of course when you go back to school it puts you through a withdrawal that leads people to skip school to be with a device and that's truly forbidden love for you. Technology and a human that should be a movie (or not) *cough, cough* (sorry I choked on my spit again.) Darn it was already made apparently it's called 'Her' how stupid, right guys? Yeah but really this happens to a whole lot of people. It might or might not happen to me. Though if you have bad internet access is your relationship with electronics even to-be. Think about it.
And then there's those people who actually get out of the house, and actually have adventures that can vary from being good things to really inappropriate and weird adventures, ahem, "Spring Breakers." Though no matter what have a good break that is filled with awesomeness, and flying narwhals. I should remind all of you to not do drugs.