Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's okay... We're all Poor Here.

 I have found the definition of humbleness.

 And then I forgot it and started to be a free un-humble person again because that's how I do. Also the fact that all of my friends compliment me so much it just raises my self confidence to be around them. I don't know maybe we have a unspoken pact of uplifting each other. Hm I guess it sounds better then it, well it is good. Well you get the point it's probably better working at lifting my confidence than this story you're about to hear about my latest college adventure/antic-dote.

 SO, let's start this beautiful/awkward/really embarrassing story shall we?

 Is that a we shall? Well you know, okay I guess we will if you insist.
 Maybe that's suppose to be funny I really don't know I just put the gif there because the girl might be Penny from Napoleon Dynamite (or maybe her twin. Her evil twin from Mars!!! That's who it really is) and well you know how I feel about that show. Yeah the actual movie was crap the animated version was my jam though. Okay let's get back on track...

 Let's set the scene people!! Goodgracious you're lazy Carl!! Everyone ACTION!!!

 I want to say that the thing I wrote before was NOT a reference to some unknown awesome thing from the past or present I just made it up to be funny. Let's just all take a second to appreciate my patheticness. Oh yeah, me? I'm good *cries not so silently in the corner.*

 Now let's get on track and go to this beautiful tale that I made some descriptions of earlier. Yeah let's do it (okay Natalie, stop procrastinating your doom/complete and utter humiliation on the internet.)

 Okay so I was in class which was History which if you know me made me super freaking hungry. Actually if you know me you would know that everything makes me super freaking hungry but that's not the point the point was I hadn't eaten lunch and I would get out in exactly three minutes which means freedom until ten minutes later when my sister would get out of class and I would have to go home. So obviously the second I got out of class I said goodbye to really the only person who actually talks to me, and run to the vending machines that are reasonably and conveniently placed in every hallway, so none of their beloved college students will get hungry and spend all there money and only have enough to buy one soda. It's a sad day when everyone can't buy one dollar sodas/chips, but it's a whole other sad day when you realize that whoever put that machine right there is getting rich off people's dollar bills.

 Anyways so I get to the one beloved vending machine and peeps be gettin out there classrooms, so you know it's going to be a quick snack for them until they go to there next class like the beasts they are cause they can't stop won't stop. There I just made a reference to a song so I no longer feel, so loser-ish to the earlier incident. You're welcome. So when I show up to the little party type feel around the place I just wait for people to get their food and leave, so when it clears a bit I look around and there's this really attractive guy in the seat and he's just chillin you know? Aint nothin on him.

 He's looking at me and I realize I'm next in line so I walk up and I awkwardly fumble with my backpack trying to find my purse/wallet thing my sister gave me for Christmas and I pull it out and realize that I only have pennies, nickles, and a quarter. Crappity.

 But I try to play it off and start sticking my one quarter in there and sticking my nickles and I even had one dime and that made it sixty five cents. I start freaking out because by then the really attractive dude is behind me giving that face like "chick are you for real." Now I dish out that face a whole lot but it's intimidating so I start sticking in my pennies and the machine starts getting all jangly and I'm like, crap it all I'm done.

 I wanted some freaking crackers!! Is that so hard to get freaking crackers?!?!?! I think not sirs but yeah. I got a really annoyed face from the cutest guy ever and then had to walk away because I couldn't buy eighty cent crackers. Also I left a perfectly good sixty cents in that machine. And I found out that pennies don't work in those stupid freaking things. Pretty much I left that lobby feeling humiliated, then pissed, then just feeling like I was fulfilling the poor college girl cliche. Darn me.

 Yup and it wasn't like on those romantic comedies when the guy runs after the girl with the snack in his hand and then they go on a date and then decide they love each other get married in the Bahamas and then become another stupid Hallmark movie and trust me most of the "Christmas specials" they have going on up in that peace aren't that great. Anyways no I walked to the elevator and grouched about how poor I was. And then the elevator broke and I had to use the stairs. Pretty much I felt like that was the crappiest thing ever, and now I look back on it now and I see how truly hilarious the whole thing was. Though I still want that cracker.

 At the moment I felt like this:
well that worked out perfectly.
 And this:
His Hand Isn't the Thing That's Supposed to be Breaking Here
 (I'm pretty sure the coconuts are suppose to break. I might not be right...)

 And maybe I felt a little bit of self loathing which is pretty much this whole gif in itself:
hahaha that reaction
 It was a bad day what can I say.

 And I was off my game. Though I saw this and thought it was hilarious. All you beautiful people I'm sure will be able to appreciate it.

 Two words.

 You're welcome.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bangs.... Flattereth me not

 So I got bangs...

 That happened.

 Now when you think of bangs you think of cute 'girl next door' look that flatters every girl on the face of the planet, and while that's fine of you to think just look at my particular 'banging situation' (see what I did there?) and you won't exactly be thinking about cute things like puppies and rainbows or even that adorable girl that has always been in your life. Though I don't admit it I don't particularly enjoy this thing that gets in my eyes frequently now. It's like cousin It has decided to sit on my head and the second after I push some hairs away there's always more to replace the 'void.' Also if you don't know what or who cousin It is than let's do a blast from the past:
 He's with me now chill. Adam's Family pretty much my childhood which probably makes me a weird kid but I don't care!! Okay I care a little but still.

 Now because I keep getting off track let's go over what we just talked about shall we? What I should look like:

 What my mom says I actually look like:

  And no not even the semi-attractive person to the left. No, I can't possibly be able to pull of bangs that well. According to my all-glorious mother I look like the gorgeous goofy character making the beauteous face to the right.

 Now we got the description down on myself (yay) let's talk about this charming little "adventure" to the barber shop that got most (yeah not even all of them!!) of the hairs on my forehead chopped and my ego to go to it's all-time low which isn't that bad saying other people who are not as fortunate as mwa say my ego is incredibly large for a 5ft. 4 little girl. So let's get back to the point (I apologize I tend to ramble and not be focused on something for large amounts of, ooh a unicorn!!) But pretty much the whole experience started with me wanting bangs. It's quite a natural wish for a fourteen or however the heck older or younger you are than me because let's be real, bangs don't have a time limit cause that shiz be forever.

  I'm in the barber shop being a good girl sitting alone due to a certain someone deciding to sit in the car due to her (and I quote) "ratchet hair" and unflattering (in my opinion sorry, Lauren) Mexican peasant dress she scored at the thrift store which usually has pretty good deals but this was and is not one of them I assure you that. And I went up to the Asian (stereotypical I know right?) person at the front who I guess was going to cut my hair and she started by asking repetitively if I had gone there before and that she needed my phone number (and I don't believe she will need it due to the fact I'm probably never going back there.)

 And I think it's safe to say that five minutes into the whole experience and I'm 1.) Trying to find a way out of getting my glorious hair chopped off and 2.) Becoming completely and utterly irritated.

 What can I say I'm not a patient person. Despite the fact I have six very infuriating things I call siblings I still do not manage my anger management problems nor do I try to. And two minutes after that I was sitting in one of those saloon type chairs the lady lobbing off my hair and then ten minutes later I had kind of sideways bangs that were jagged and the more the lady said "side bangs are in this year. All your friends will be jealous!! You pretty you pretty like this" I was more and more sure that I looked worse than when we started. Then when I pay freaking fifteen dollars for a crappy job I leave to find my older sister still in the car telling me how horrible I look.

 So I go in for round two...


 Okay that whole story despite it being 100% true was a bit on the exaggerated side. What can I say I have thing for theatrics. Though all and all I do kind of sort of like my hair despite the fact I look like a four year old and a goofy character I  can live with it. And if not I'll just pin it back so I guess my problems aren't that bad.

 Also it's Valentine's day. Yup. That's pretty much enough said there because of my complete and utter lack of a boyfriend though who said I wanted one.

 So if you're single and out there know you're not the only loser on the planet because obviously I have more problems than you. Gosh stop being so selfish you fiend. Anyways I hope I actually made the day that you remember that nobody loves you, better, and that you laugh if only just a little at my fail jokes, and the beautiful gifs that I have hand selected (just for you) above. You're welcome (insert creepy stalker face here.)