Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Guy Friends... Nuff said.

 Let's talk guy friends.

 Now recently I've realized that's really all I talk/hang out with anymore because let's be honest guy friends are the bomb. I've also realized that nobody describes anyone as 'the bomb' anymore, but I think we can all look past my flaws at the moment. Don't judge me.
23 Culturally Important "#Judging You" GIFs
 Anyways guy friends pretty much comes with no commitment, and expectations are really low which is nice. And another plus is that all of my guy friends are complete nerds therefore they enjoy watching and reading the same things that I obsess over. Now that all of my 'girlfriends' (this sounds weird but I'm putting it here because I have the liberty of free will and agency) are in high school all they want to talk about is guys. I'm pretty tired of talking about guys because I'm freaking fourteen. If a guy likes you back big freaking whoop because what the heck are you going to do about that liking of each other? Exactly nothing.

 Or you could take the route that involves your parents driving you around as you go on 'dates' which would be extremely awkward and something I wouldn't recommend, and shall I clear up that I don't recommend it because of my own experience because frankly who would even like me enough to suffer through my parents driving us around like they're our chauffeurs? Also I don't think I would know what to do with myself while we're in the car!! I would imagine I would be doing something like this...
 And this is why I haven't been kissed in all my fourteen years... Yup this is definitely why.

 Back to the point guys just kind of understand my loving of science fiction and all things nerdy, and though we occasionally get in fights about which Greek Mythology god is better (Ares for the win!!) there's always a place in my heart for them because we are truly birds of a feather and all that clique stuff. Anyways still talking about guy friends most of mine are word nerds which is a plus. Also they write!! I know I was shocked too that anyone writes anymore am I right? I thought I was the only one!!

 But seriously...

 Though I talk about my guy friends with my other friends that happen to be girls none of them understand!! It's strange how obsessed with boys they are and they're not even close with any of them. It's also weird how some of my friends like my guy friends. Ugh. Seriously once a girl finds someone that's close to the person they like they start asking you to be the messenger for their love. Let's just say that I don't enjoy being the messenger and that's exactly what I'm not doing. I try to avoid conversations with the girl it's just better that way.

 So this is all I have for now. Actually if you haven't noticed I've been kind of on a writer's/reader's block for some reason. I can't get through any books and every time I try to write it comes out crappy, so this is me trying to come out of that faze. This is also me trying to stay awake. My teacher's in seminary decided to have a completely silent lesson today which included reading scriptures, and watching a slideshow. Let's just say I 'rested my eyes' the whole time. I'm a horrible person though I'm sure you're aware of this by now.

Haha just kidding. I'm obviously hilarious.:P

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lame Excuses..


 That's something I need because lately I've been kind of caught up in my own tangle that is life unable to write because of it. Yup that's me actually being invited places and actually having to make decisions. I won't say that I'm not proud of my accomplishments of having friends, but the thing is it's taking away from my 'me' time. Now 'me' time is what I have all the time, but instead of actually reading I fall asleep or think about a.. um.. *cough, cough* a certain person.

 I'm just kidding my winks are more creepy than attractive like these two beautiful middle aged men. What can I say I'm a certified creeper!

 Attractiveness. My only word for this gif.

 Anywho so lately I've been invited to two parties in two weeks (though they were church parties so there's zero bad life decisions and all apples to apples.) I know look at me all Ms. popular. So like I said I've been around people more than usual, and I'm starting to like it. Either it's that or I'm just happy to be out of the house. Okay it might be the second answer don't judge me!! This is what happens when you have nine people corrupting your house.

 Back to the point I really haven't been writing or reading, and really I don't have another good excuse so this one is going to have to satisfy. Yup pretty much.

 So lets talk about life, and since I can't hear you you're going to have to put up with my crap. Sorry, but this is the price you pay for clicking on random websites to get here. So first of all I stayed up till three in the morning making cookies for my seminary class. That was.. eventful. Also my crush decided to sing to me in front of a whole bunch of people. Yeah ignore the last thing it isn't important. But seriously.

 If you don't notice I'm in a Supernatural mood. I'm also in a giffy mood so don't judge me!

 But seriously people I'm dying. Sure he's my friend. Sure he totally friendzones me. And sure he doesn't like me but it's freaking awesome nonetheless! Yeah it's pretty darn awesome.

  So that's what's pretty much been distracting me from everything I hold dear right now, and I don't know if I like it. NO MATTER!!! Yeah I'm a cool cat and I make cookies at the butt crack of dawn after Halloween. I've just noticed that's pretty much the summary of this post. Whatever.

 Oh so how was your Halloween's anyways? Oh really yeah I just stayed inside and you know did the usual watch the Munsters and ate homemade Chinese food. My life is really eventful as you can see.